Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Cosatu's 'holiday homes' call ignored

By Leila Samodien

Environment, Planning and Economic Development MEC Tasneem Essop has refused to comment on the call on her by Cosatu's Tony Ehrenreich to allow people on the government's housing waiting list to live in her holiday home.

At the weekend, Ehrenreich called for politicians and business people with holiday houses to accommodate local informal dwellers who are on housing waiting lists awaiting their turn to move.

The aim of the concept was to temporarily provide squatters with basic services such as water and electricity.

Ehrenreich had specifically appealed to Essop because he knew she owned a house in Betty's Bay.

But the MEC's spokesperson Nils Flaatten said she did not want to comment on Ehrenreich's call or express her views on the idea.

"We are not going to comment on this matter," Flaatten said on Monday.

Ehrenreich has slammed Essop for not responding, saying that even if she was not ready to offer her hom! e, she should at least comment on the merits of the idea.

"Politicians should be setting the example when it comes to providing for the poor.

"If anything, she should be leading this call.

"If she doesn't support the concept, she should say so, but she can't just be quiet and hope it goes away - she should rather speak out about it whether she supports it or not.

"I certainly hope she has a change of heart," he said.

He has also now called on Hassan Adams, chairperson of Grand Parade Investments, which owns shares in GrandWest Casino, to offer up his coastal holiday house.

Cosatu unveiled the concept at Ehrenreich's holiday home in Kleinmond on Sunday.

Ehrenreich himself gave up part of his house to a family nine months ago.

He has now turned towards implementing the concept on a broader scale.

But, other politicians and other prominent personalities are yet to respond to his call.

By: Linda Carol Berry

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Linda Carol Berry, Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Linda can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. Visit : Achieving Financial Freedom

Source: http://www.pretorianews.co.za/?fSectionId=&fArticleId=vn20071023113540902C922720
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